Projects we have supported
The Friends have worked with Chiltern to identify appropriate projects to enhance the amenities and appearance of the station. We have raised finance through donations and grant support from several organisations. Bearing in mind the interest we receive from other station adopters we have put a lot of detail in here, but there’s even more for those who’re really interested, please mail to if you want more info. We are grateful to the many organisations and individuals who have provided the essential moneys that facilitate the work.

The Roll of Honour at the head of platform 2’s stairs commemorates 2,500 GWR staff who died in WWl. It was dedicated in 2006 and is the site of an annual remembrance service.

One of the many railway heritage posters sponsored by the Friends

The Running In Boards were removed in 1970s. The Friends raised the money for replacements, exact replicas, thanks to Kidderminster Railway Museum, through donations and grants. The painting of the boards and letters was done by the Friends. These are in fact the second set of boards: the first suffered rot all too quickly. Ensuring that materials live up to their promise is one of many things the Friends.

Chiltern refurbished the waiting rooms, and the Friends commissioned copies of the GWR mirrors as well as supplying the posters.

Some of the many benches the Friends bought and painted.

The Friends contributed to the replica booking hall clock, originally given to GWR in 1939 by Leamington Borough Council.
- Lamp hut before
- Restored as tool shed
- In a bad way
- Traditional craft restoration
- Better than new?
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